“At heart, I’m a documentarian, a story-teller, and a visual historian. I’m a lifelong learner and I enjoy telling stories that can have real human impact on society.”

Anthony Pizzoferrato is an Italian American freelance photojournalist and documentary photographer based in Yerevan, Armenia since 2017 open for assignments worldwide.

His work places emphasis on reporting and documenting conflicts, political events, complex social and environmental issues, human rights, and cultural history within Post-Soviet countries and the Middle East while creating authenticity, intimacy and empathy.

He has had the opportunity to work alongside several NGOs and continues to work to tell the stories which can lead to or contribute to some sort of change or enlightenment. Anthony has a deep love for people, culture and history with a profound interest for learning and teaching that can bring awareness to a particular topic, people or region of the world.

He has had his work featured in CNN, Politico, BBC, Zeit, Le Figaro, Libération, AFP, Getty, Newsweek, Business Insider, Le Point, Middle East Images, Council on Foreign Relations, The Armenian Weekly, NBC 4 Columbus, Public TV Armenia, and other media outlets.

Anthony is currently represented as a photographer for Middle East Images.

Available for editorial and commercial assignments based in Armenia and worldwide for 2024.

Work Published

Council on Foreign Relations: In Photos: The Nagorno-Karabakh Exodus

BBC: Armenians fear new war with Azerbaijan despite talk of peace

BBC Persian: چرا ارمنستان نگران جنگ جدید با جمهوری آذربایجان است؟

Newsweek: As We Remember the Armenian Genocide, the U.S. Should Reject Azerbaijan's Assault on Their Culture | Opinion

Zeit: Armenien meldet im Konflikt mit Aserbaidschan Tote und Verletzte

DW: برلمان فرنسا يعترف بـ"إبادة" العثمانيين للآشوريين-الكلدانيين

Libération: Non, nous ne laisserons pas tomber les Arméniennes et les Arméniens

Libération: Tensions Arménie-Azerbaïdjan : «C’est une situation sans issue pour l’Arménie»

Libération: Regain de tension entre l’Arménie et l’Azerbaïdjan : quatre soldats arméniens tués

The Irish Times: Armenia says it’s ready for peace deal if Azerbaijan shows political will

Politico: Von der Leyen to hold Armenia crisis talks with US amid war fears

Politico: Calls grow in Armenia for Russians to relinquish control of borders

Politico: France sends weapons to Armenia amid fears of new conflict with Azerbaijan

CNN In Pictures: Ethnic Armenians flee Nagorno-Karabakh

CNN: Why the Armenian exodus from Nagorno-Karabakh may not end Azerbaijan’s ambitions

CBS News: Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day

Open Democracy: How a community fought for survival amid Azerbaijan's bombs

Lemkin Institute: Von der Leyen to hold Armenia crisis talks with US amid war fears

Breitbart: Armenian Organizations Accuse Biden of Supporting Genocide of Christians

The Daily Wire: ‘They Hate Us So Much’: World’s Oldest Christian Nation Faces Ethnic Cleansing As Emboldened Azerbaijan Wages A Silent War

Business Insider: A Russian ally's purchase of French and Indian weapons is another sign Moscow is losing influence in its neighborhood

AGI: Armenia, un commando armato fa irruzione in un commissariato di Yerevan

Reset.it: After Nagorno Karabakh, an Uncertain Future for Refugees and the Region

Nd Journalismus Von Links: South Caucasus: “A peace treaty is possible, but peace is not”

Die Tagespost: Holy Land: Jerusalem's Patriarchs call for ceasefire

The Standard: What’s happening in Azerbaijan and Armenia? Hopes of peace agreement grow

Interia Wydarzenia: Sudden movement of Russian troops. They withdraw their units from the hot region

Magyar Nemzet: Marija Zaharova: Szégyenletes, hogy az Európa Tanács vezetői nem reagáltak a moszkvai terrortámadásra

T-Online: CSTO membership “frozen” Putin loses control of Armenia

Al-Monitor: Irán y Rusia instan a la calma tras nuevos enfrentamientos entre Armenia y Azerbaiyán

Réforme: La vie suspendue des réfugiés du Haut-Karabakh

Just Security: The US Can’t Guarantee Armenia’s Security, Despite Azerbaijan’s Threats, But It Can Help

Franceinfo: L'Arménie et l'Azerbaïdjan s'accusent de tirs, deux soldats arméniens tués selon Erevan

Marianne: "L'Azerbaïdjan veut lancer des actions militaires" : l'Arménie accuse Bakou de vouloir une "guerre totale"

Nouvelles Arménie: La remise de terres commence à Tavush au milieu du tollé arménien

Zaborona: Вірменія шукає союзників в Європі: як і чому країна відходить від Росії

Die Presse: Armenia: Four soldiers killed on border with Azerbaijan

Le Figaro: The striking current photos selected by Le Figaro Magazine

Le Point: Haut-Karabakh : le dirigeant arménien annule la dissolution prévue le 1er janvier 2024

Le Point: Un soldat arménien tué par l’armée azerbaïdjanaise

Le Temps: En pleine crise avec l’Azerbaïdjan, les soutiens de l’Arménie craignent un désengagement de la Suisse

Newsweek: Forget About Turkey's Angry Reaction—International Norms of Armenian Genocide Recognition Clash With Nationalistic Memory | Opinion

Newsweek: Azerbaijan Rewarded a Year After the Lachin Corridor Blockade and Genocide | Opinion

Newsweek: US 'Lopsided' in Clout Contest with Russia

The Epoch Times: Азербайджан провёл операцию «Возмездие» на границе с Арменией

Nur.KZ: BBC News Русская служба: Декларация созависимости: почему в Армении хотят менять конституцию

Nueva Revolución: Azerbaiyán recompensado un año después del bloqueo y genocidio del corredor de Lachin

The Armenian Weekly: Artsakh Armenians gathered at Etchmiadzin for emotional Christmas Eve mass

Nueva Revolución: De las risas a los disparos: una noche en el pueblo de Movses

Nueva Revolución: Azerbaiyán recompensado un año después del bloqueo y genocidio del corredor de Lachin

Fox 11 LA: LA County calls on Azerbaijan to release Armenian hostages

The Critic: Do not forget Armenia

Radio France: L'Arménie et l'Azerbaïdjan délimitent leur frontière commune, faux espoir ?

Radio France: Arménie et Azerbaïdjan, vers la paix?

Famille Chrétienne - “We Lost Everything”: The Endless Exodus of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh

L’OBS: La France « condamne l’action de l’Azerbaïdjan » au Haut-Karabakh et dénonce un « drame humanitaire »

Horizon: Artsakh refugees not granted Armenian citizenship, generating controversy

RadioFrance: "La guerre finira par éclater" : les craintes dans la région de Syunik dans le sud de l’Arménie

RadioFrance: Syunik, la prochaine guerre arménienne?

Courrier International: Débat. Le décret de dissolution de la République du Haut-Karabakh est-il légal?

Franceinfo: Haut-Karabakh : l'ONU demande près de 100 millions de dollars pour aider les réfugiés en Arménie

Franceinfo: Haut-Karabakh : des sanctions contre l'Azerbaïdjan ne sont "pas à l'ordre du jour", déclare la ministre des Affaires étrangères sur France 2

Almendron: Revista de Prensa: Armenia’s Mortal Calculus

24.HU: Már több mint százezren elhagyták Hegyi-Karabahot

VilágGazdaság: Egyre jobban kiürül Hegyi-Karabah, az örmények többsége már elmenekült

Népszava: Vége Hegyi-Karabahnak, már szinte minden örmény elmenekült a területről

The New York Review: Armenia’s Mortal Calculus

Taiwan News: Azerbaijan takes over Nagorno-Karabakh, 100,000 people flee, UN exposes video of Armenian refugees, worries about "ethnic cleansing"

INFOCOM.AM - Bala, Artsakh is gone, Gandzasar is gone." between reality and awareness

The Armenian Weekly - Armenian Food Bank: A beacon of hope amidst Artsakh’s humanitarian crisis

INFOCOM.AM - Mama, Call Vardan

The Armenian Weekly: Land handover commences in Tavush amidst Armenian outcry

The Armenian Weekly: From laughter to gunfire: A night in Movses village

The Armenian Weekly - A Campaign Pursued with Greater Determination and Severity

The Armenian Weekly - A Cry for Homecoming

The Armenian Weekly - Moving Forward After War

Aravot.am: Moving Forward After War

The Armenian Weekly - A Sad Irony: Never Again? We are failing.

Знай.UA: 20-летние Назар и Влад из батальона "Призраки Киева" показали, как уничтожать армию рф: "Как будто Call of Duty без сохранения"

Getty Reportage Armenia April 28, 2023

Docu Magazine Volume 3 Issue 5

Getty Reportage Armenia November 11, 2022

Getty Reportage Ukraine June 11, 2022

Ukraine NBC4 Interview March 2022

Insight TV Epic Exploring: Going Local Episode 13 Yerevan

UNICEF Armenia From preschool to school-Elena's formula

© 2024 Anthony Pizzoferrato All Rights Reserved